10 March, 2025

Eaton unveils Synflex 33CH-08 thermoplastic hose

30 October, 2015

Designed for subsea oil and gas applications, Eaton has introduced the Synflex 33CH-08 high collapse resistant thermoplastic hose. The new hose features a liner tube made of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), which helps handle fluids with higher concentrations of acid and lowers permeability with methanol and other similar fluids. Typical applications for the 33CH-08 include for instance hydraulic flying leads, Installation/Intervention Work Over Control (IWOC) umbilical hoses, high flow rate applications and methanol injection.

Connection is key to fluid power system efficiency

30 October, 2015

As equipment and technology advances, it has never been more important that modern fluid power systems perform safely and precisely. However, partnering one manufacturers hose with another’s coupler can seriously jeopardise this. Andrew Dawes, hydraulics product manager at Eriks, explains how to avoid the common pitfalls of specification and why solid connections hold the key to true system efficiency.

Losi M+S Hydraulic MAP series axial piston motor

22 October, 2015

M+S Hydraulic has launched a new range of competitively priced high-pressure axial piston fixed displacement swash plate hydraulic motors. Key features include:

Hydraulic motors from Bosch Rexroth offer higher power density

25 September, 2015

Bosch Rexroth has improved the design of its compact series of Hägglunds hydraulic motors, giving the range greater power density and the ability to deliver full torque and full speed simultaneously. The new Hägglunds CA 10 to 40 motors are considerably smaller and lighter in design, while still maintaining the same operational levels of the previous version. The improvements see the hydraulic motor extend down to 10 Nm/bar.

Prepare your pumps for the colder weather ahead

25 September, 2015

With the harsh, cold winter months fast approaching, Andy Cruse of Eriks pump division, calls on businesses to prepare and maintain pumping equipment now, to enhance productivity and ensure business continuity.

Phoenix PG-Therm successfully seals industrial turbocharger

25 September, 2015

Traditionally, high temperature sealing applications (>500degC) have proved difficult for gasket materials. Many standard gasket materials suffer rapid thermal degradation at temperatures, leading to a loss in sealing performance and eventual failure. Flexible graphite, which is known as a high-temperature material, will suffer oxidation at these temperatures resulting in weight loss and an inability of the gasket or seal to support the compression load. Invariably this will result in seal failure and leakage.

Approved EMC emissions testing for Hydraproducts power packs

25 September, 2015

In response to the increasing demand of mobile application customers for compliance with ‘E’ Marking, Hydraproducts’ DC power packs are tested for EMC emissions by an approved facility.

MGR calls for safety first as it launches new hydraulics range

25 September, 2015

A Midlands hydraulics specialist is calling for industry hazards to be more widely acknowledged as it expands its product range with the launch of its new accumulator safety blocks, which are immediately available from stock.

Quick delivery time in EMEA for Eaton motors

25 September, 2015

Power management company Eaton has located the assembly and testing of its Char-Lynn Low Speed High Torque (LSHT) orbital motors in Havant, UK, and now offers lead times of as little as three weeks.

Polymer solutions to improve the efficiency of water systems

25 September, 2015

Fluid handling equipment may suffer from multiple problems including physical and mechanical damage as well as general or localised erosion and corrosion. These problems are linked to decreased efficiency and poor performance, leading to increasing operational costs. Minimising performance deterioration is therefore an important factor for pump manufacturers and end users. Indeed, hydraulic losses account for most of the efficiency decrease (9 per cent for a mixed flow pump to 20 per cent for radial flow). Coating technology can help in decreasing these losses, increasing the pump’s performance and reducing operational costs.

Trelleborg and Schoolhill in Shah Deniz project

25 September, 2015

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions claims to have “pushed the barriers of science” to produce a “highly innovative” seal for a valve designed by Schoolhill Hydraulic Engineering for BP’s Shah Deniz field.

New universal gas charging kit for accumulators from Hydrotechnik

25 September, 2015

Hydrotechnik has launched its new universal World Wide nitrogen gas charging kit for accumulators, dampers, fire suppression and other pneumatic or gaseous systems.

Keep your hydraulic hoses safe and operational

25 September, 2015

The British Fluid Power Association (BFPA) considers some important aspects to consider when sourcing, fitting, maintaining or replacing hydraulic hose and hydraulic hose assemblies as part of a service and maintenance regime in mission-critical sectors such as quarries and mines.

Practical contamination management for hydraulic systems

10 September, 2015

By Iain Hanson, general manager – fluid power, Brammer UK.

Quick, safe and accurate control of heavy loads in motion

28 August, 2015

SPX Power Team has developed a PLC synchronised lifting and lowering Motion Control System (MCS) to reduce the risk of bending, twisting or tilting when lifting heavy loads in motion. When a large object is moved, stresses are placed on the object due to uneven weight distribution or load-shifts between the lift points. If the mover is not careful, the object can bend or twist creating a stress riser that can cause hundreds of thousands - or in the worst cases - millions of dollars in damage.

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Offshore Europe Journal