Understanding the PSSR

The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (S.I. 2000 No 128) (PSSR) relate to pressure systems for use at work and the risk to health and safety. Vanda Jones, Executive Director at the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) outlines the responsibilities as an owner or operator
10% Taskforce campaign – changing behaviours

In April last year, BCAS launched its 10% Taskforce initiative to encourage compressed air users to cut their energy consumption from compressed air by 10%.
BCAS launches essential industry guide to compressed air installation

The British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) has launched a new compressed air installation best practice guide (BPG 101).
How to reduce air leaks in your compressed air system

By Vanda Jones, executive director, the British Compressed Air Society.
Air compressor maintenance– increase energy savings

The British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) launched its 10% Taskforce campaign earlier this year. BCAS executive director, Vanda Jones, discusses how the Society is helping to educate end users on simple ways to lower their energy consumption from compressed air. She also outlines the importance of maintaining air compressors and how a proactive service regime can help improve energy performance.
Energy Bill Relief Scheme – BCAS advises on further compressed air energy saving measures

In this month’s British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) update, BCAS executive director Vanda Jones discusses the new Energy Bill Relief Scheme, launched by the government on 1 October – and why the Society continues to encourage compressed air users to minimise their compressed air energy consumption for the long-term through a series of low-cost measures.
Compressed air system control for energy savings

BCAS executive director Vanda Jones looks at how improving compressor control can help lower energy consumption.
British Compressed Air Society strengthens support with new board appointments

The British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) has elected two new board directors. Vanda Jones, BCAS executive director, talks about the new appointments and how the Society continues to grow to help meet members’ needs.
Change behaviours – Reduce compressed air energy wastage

At the Air-Tech 2022 exhibition, the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) launched its 10% Taskforce campaign. BCAS’s executive director Vanda Jones explains how the society is helping to educate end users on simple ways to lower their energy consumption from compressed air.
New 10% Taskforce set to cut compressed air energy consumption

Launched at this year’s Air-Tech 2022 exhibition, The British Compressed Air Society’s (BCAS) new 10% Taskforce campaign is a call to arms for industry to reduce its compressed air energy consumption. As energy costs continue to escalate, operators are looking for innovative ways to lower their electricity costs – and compressed air Is no exception. Vanda Jones, executive director at the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) provides more information about the campaign and how it is set to save industry £147.5 million in otherwise wasted energy costs.
Fit for the future

The launch of a brand-new learning management system…the enrolment of the industry’s first compressed air and vacuum technician apprentice. It’s been a busy time for the British Compressed Air Society’s (BCAS) Training and Development Committee. Meltem Soydan MiddletonDuff, the new chair of the Committee, who has also been appointed as a director of BCAS, talks about her new role, and what’s in store during the coming year.
Latest standards update from the British Compressed Air Society

It’s been a year since UKCA marking replaced CE marking as the conformity assessment mark for goods placed on the market in Great Britain. Tim Preece, technical officer at the British Compressed Air Society, provides a reminder of some of the key requirements that air users should be aware of.
BCAS urges industry to consider nitrogen as an alternative to CO2

The British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) is urging food producers to consider the benefits of on-site nitrogen generation, to help mitigate the risk of CO2 gas shortages in the future
New Compressed Air and Vacuum Technician apprenticeship ready to receive first candidates

The British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) has announced that EAL, part of the Enginuity group, has been selected as the end point assessor organisation (EPAO) for the new Compressed Air and Vacuum Technician apprenticeship, meaning employers can begin enrolling candidates from as early as this month (September).
ISO8573 – When quality counts

Roy Brooks, technical development officer for the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS), talks us through ISO 8573, the international standard for air purity and explains why operators should consider all parts of a compressed air system during the specification process.
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23 September, 2025, 9:30 - 25 September, 2025, 16:00
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29 October, 2025, 9:00 - 30 October, 2025, 16:00
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