30 March, 2025

Free BCAS membership for end users

25 September, 2014
If you are a customer of a current BCAS member, you could benefit from 12 months’ free associate membership – worth £975. The offer is part of our ‘Insist on BCAS – Be Compliant And Safe’ scheme, which aims to make processes that use compressed air compliant, safe, more efficient and ultimately more profitable. The free associate membership provides UK companies with a whole host of benefits including discounts on training and publications, as well as access to compressed air codes of practice and the society’s social events. The free membership will be backdated to 1 July 2014 and will last for 12 months in total. A company’s BCAS membership must have been active on 1st July 2014 for its customers to be entitled to this offer. To take advantage of this offer please contact Chris Dee, BCAS executive director, stating your company name and full contact details, along with the name of the supplier of your compressed air products and/or services – Email: chris@bcas.org.uk, Tel: 020 7935 2464. For further information visit www.bcasairsafe.co.uk.

Train to gain

25 September, 2014

With compressed air utilised in such a wide variety of applications a thorough understanding is essential; not only to those who supply or service compressors, but also for the operatives who use compressed air on a daily basis. Training is therefore key for ongoing staff development, whether to improve skills, enhance existing knowledge or as part of legislative compliance. Here, Greg Bordiak, technical officer at the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) discusses the latest courses to be offered by the association; specifically in relation to the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR):

Free associate membership offer for end users

02 September, 2014
There is still time for customers of current BCAS members to take advantage of the society’s 12 months’ free associate membership offer – worth £975.1 The offer provides UK companies with a whole host of BCAS membership benefits including discounts on training and publications, as well as access to compressed air codes of practice and the society’s social events. Launched under the brand ‘AIRSAFE’, which is part of the society’s ‘Insist on BCAS – Be Compliant And Safe’ scheme, the offer aims to make processes that use compressed air compliant, safe, more efficient and ultimately more cost effective. Commenting on the offer, Chris Dee, BCAS executive director said: “For those who use compressed air, there are many benefits to be gained by becoming a member the British Compressed Air Society. “BCAS membership gives access to a comprehensive range of products and support services including training, which have been developed specifically to meet the needs of the compressed air and vacuum industry. Put simply, it can help companies perform better and raise their profile. It also enables companies to get involved with the industry’s engineering and technology community, from networking to contributing to government consultations and submissions. “We have created a portfolio of membership benefits, which are designed to provide the knowledge, tools and advice to help companies be more productive, competitive and ultimately more profitable.” Through its marketing committee, BCAS plans to implement similar schemes in the future to help increase the reach of the organisation to even more compressed air users. For further information on the free associate membership offer, visit www.bcasairsafe.co.uk or contact Chris Dee stating your company name and full contact details, along with the name of the supplier of your compressed air products and/or services – Email: chris@bcas.org.uk, Tel: 020 7935 2464. 1 The free associate membership will be backdated to 1 July 2014 and will last for 12 months in total. A company’s BCAS membership must have been active on 1 July 2014 for its customers to be entitled to this offer.

Refresh your knowledge

02 September, 2014
With compressed air utilised in such a wide variety of applications, a thorough understanding is essential, not only to those who supply or service compressors, but also for the operatives who use compressed air on a daily basis. The latest range of training courses to be offered by the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) relates to the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR). The PSSR (S.I. 2000 No.128) affect both suppliers and end-users of compressed air systems. Two provisions include the need for the user to have a written scheme of examination and as a result of this, the ability to carry out an examination of the compressed air system. To cover both provisions BCAS offers a range of courses; a one-day workshop, a five-day residential course and now, a new refresher course to maintain certification with BCAS. For the written scheme, the one-day workshop covers the elements necessary for consideration in the production of the scheme. The workshop provides background of the PSSR and related standards and codes of practice, detailing the knowledge and understanding required as a provider of a written scheme. The examination element is catered for by a five-day residential course. It provides both knowledge-based and practical ‘hands-on’ modules, which include; understanding of compressed air systems and of the PSSR and related standards, appreciation of non-destructive examination techniques and demonstrating practical skills in the testing of relevant safety related devices. This course has been run very successfully since 1995. As a result of comments received, BCAS has now aligned itself with other industries that offer competence-based courses and has introduced a refresher course for all of those who currently hold certificates. The one-day refresher course provides updates on the current PSSR and related standards and codes of practice, contributing to the knowledge and understanding required in the role of examiner. BCAS introduced time-limited certificates for three years in May 2008. All those holding such certificates, including those issued prior to May 2008, are being contacted to inform them of the need to attend the refresher course in order to maintain the certification with BCAS. For further information about the range of training courses offered by BCAS, visit the website at www.bcas.org.uk.

Staying AirSafe

20 June, 2014

BCAS understands that, with so many regulations governing health and safety and compressed air systems, it is extremely difficult to stay abreast of the latest legislation. The society provides extensive information and advice to its members on the latest legislation, standards and other health and safety matters. Customers can, therefore, have peace of mind that the installation, upgrade or maintenance of their compressed air system is carried out safely when conducted by a BCAS member. Moreover, with the AirSafe register, BCAS can provide detailed information to help customers choose a recommended supplier for their compressed air system needs. In today’s online world, websites such as Amazon and eBay provide consumers with in-depth reviews, from their peers, on seller performance. This information can then be used by consumers to make an informed decision on whether or not to do business with a particular company or seller. Working with its partner Referenceline, BCAS developed an online customer satisfaction programme that became the AirSafe register. The programme asks all customers the same set of questions, meaning results can be benchmarked. This gives customers the confidence that they are dealing with capable and competent companies and, more importantly, with companies that have been recommended by other customers. The only scheme of its kind in the UK compressed air industry, the AirSafe register is available to view online at www.referenceline.com/bcas. By typing their postcode into the search box on the website, customers can check the ratings and reviews of all active BCAS members in their area. In addition to helping consumers make an informed decision on which compressed air supplier to use, feedback also allows BCAS to view the performance of its members and will help to further improve the types and levels of service that the society offers.

BCAS launches free associate membership offer for end users

20 June, 2014
From 1 July 2014, the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) is offering customers of current BCAS members 12 months’ free associate membership – worth £975. The offer will provide UK companies with a whole host of BCAS membership benefits including discounts on training and publications, as well as access to compressed air codes of practice and the society’s social events. Launched under the brand ‘AirSafe’, which is part of the society’s ‘Insist on BCAS – Be Compliant And Safe’ scheme, the offer aims to make processes that use compressed air compliant, safe, more efficient and ultimately more cost effective. The free membership will be backdated to 1 July 2014 and will last for 12 months in total.1 Chris Dee, BCAS executive director, commented: “For those who use compressed air, there are many benefits to be gained by becoming a member the British Compressed Air Society. BCAS membership gives access to a comprehensive range of products and support services including training, which have been developed specifically to meet the needs of the compressed air and vacuum industry. Put simply, it can help companies perform better and raise their profile. It also enables companies to get involved with the industry’s engineering and technology community, from networking to contributing to government consultations and submissions. “We have created a portfolio of membership benefits, which are designed to provide the knowledge, tools and advice to help companies be more productive, competitive and ultimately more profitable.” 1 A company’s BCAS membership must be active on 1 July 2014 for its customers to be entitled to this offer.

Free associate membership offer for end-users

30 April, 2014
From 1 July 2014, the British Compressed Air Society is offering customers of all current BCAS members 12 months’ free associate membership worth £975. This initiative, launched at Air-Tech 2014, will provide UK companies with a whole host of BCAS membership benefits including discounts on training and publications, as well as access to compressed air codes of practice and the society’s social events. The free membership will be effective from or backdated to 1 July 2014 and will last until 30 June 2015. A company’s BCAS membership must be active on 1 July 2014 for its customers to be entitled to this offer. For further information, contact Chris Dee, BCAS executive director – Email: chris@bcas.org.uk, Tel: 020 7935 2464.

All-change for EU law

30 April, 2014
BCAS reports: All-change for EU law – we go along happily complying with the ever-present stream of EU law. Employers with their protection of the worker approach and manufacturers with their need for free movement of safe equipment. The EU likes to keep its administrative aspects in good order and so it was that an initiative called the 'New Legislative Framework' (NLF) came into being. The raft of manufacturer legislation that has come into effect over the years was not all produced by the same EU bureaucrats with the effect that not all provisions were the same. Step in 'NLF' which identified all of the administrative aspects that shall be common across legislation. If your products need to comply with Simple Pressure Vessels, EMC, LVD, ATEX and most recently PED then the common provisions such as conformity requirements and CE marking, provision of information and responsibilities are now identified. All now identify the responsibilities of all economic operators involved a product from the manufacturer to the final reseller. As a manufacturer one further burden that comes out of this and is not always obvious the Declaration of Conformity will have to be updated to accommodate the new identity. Yes the EU has changed the identities of each piece of legislation.

BCAS 2014 Spring Conference a success at Air-Tech 2014

30 April, 2014
With a record number of registrations and an exceptionally high turnout on the day, it was standing room only for some delegates who were intent on hearing the speakers at the BCAS 2014 Spring Conference held on 8 April 2014 at the NEC Birmingham. Following delegate registration and refreshments, BCAS’s executive director, Chris Dee, opened the 2014 Spring Conference and introduced the following speakers; James Maziak; BCAS Board with a report on the Distributor Working Group, Mark Dealtry; Referenceline on the latest updates and App for the BCAS AirSAFEregister, Louise Phillips; Jelf Group & Bronwen Horn (Hiscox) on Directors Responsibilities and Obligations, Richard Willett; Wolters Kluwer on latest HR Hot Topics and Steve Goodall; Original Input on Motivating People to Give their Best. The Conference finished with Derek Turnbull; BCAS president, giving the conference’s closing address before delegates, all with their VIP passes, went through to Air-Tech 2014, which was co-located with Fluid Power Systems, Drives & Controls, European Offshore & Energy, Plant & Asset Management Exhibition, MACH and National Electronics Week.

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