11 March, 2025

AGM and networking dinner

13 April, 2017

This year’s BFPA and BFPDA AGMs will be held on 16 May 2017 and followed by a networking dinner in the evening. Our venue is the Ardencote, a 4-star hotel and conference centre set in the peaceful Warwickshire countryside. Accommodation will be available on site, and those unable to stay for the dinner will be able to book separately for the AGMs. Booking is open on our website but please contact Janet Dixon for more information on janet@bfpa.co.uk

BFPA launches new training passport scheme

13 April, 2017

The BFPA has launched a new training passport scheme for individuals working in the fluid power industry.


22 March, 2017

New Members

AGM and networking dinner

22 March, 2017

This year’s BFPA and BFPDA AGMs will be held on 16 May 2017 and followed by a networking dinner in the evening. Our venue is the Ardencote, a 4-star hotel and conference centre set in the peaceful Warwickshire countryside. Accommodation will be available on site, and those unable to stay for the dinner will be able to book separately for the AGMs. Booking will be open soon on our website but please contact Janet Dixon for more information on janet@bfpa.co.uk

New BFPA website launched

22 March, 2017

BFPA is pleased to announce the launch of its new website for 2017 at the existing web address www.bfpa.co.uk which has a fresh look and compliments our new literature and house style. Packed with a wealth of information from understanding fluid power technology through to details of upcoming events and industry training courses, the site has something for everyone, and members can benefit from additional features in the Member Onlyarea (all Login details remain the same as for the previous website).


15 February, 2017

New Members

2016 BFPA Published Standards

15 February, 2017

2016 was another busy year for BFPA’s technical work, with 23 standards being published across many of our fluid power technical committees. The majority of the 2016 publications were revisions to existing standards, but four new standards were published in 2016: two under TC6 Contamination Control related to filters and particulate contamination and two under TC9 Systems and Installation related to symbols and fluid power reference dictionary.

BFPA’s 2017 Fluid Power Industry Year Book

15 February, 2017

BFPA is pleased to announce the publication of its 2017 Yearbook and Members Directory. As always, the directory is much more than just an all-important listing of the UK’s leading fluid power companies. It also contains a wealth of useful information relating to training, technical standards, market intelligence and other information on the key industry issues as we go into what is sure to be another highly eventful year.


09 December, 2016

New Members

BFPA will continue its key role in standards development for the fluid power industry

09 December, 2016

Following the UK’s decision to leave the EU many questions have been raised. As a trade association with a very high profile reputation within the technical standards arena, BFPA is especially concerned that any future Government policy should support the UK’s ongoing involvement in the setting of those technical standards, because it is against these agreed criteria that most of our trade is conducted. If the UK was excluded from the discussions that determine these standards, the UK fluid power industry could find itself in the position of having to meet standards over which it has had no influence. This issue was high on the agenda at a recent BFPA seminar at which Dr. Scott Steedman, Director of Standards at BSI, was the keynote speaker.

BFPA News and Diary Dates

26 October, 2016

Members News

BFPA networking dinner

26 October, 2016

The BFPA invites all members to join us for a networking dinner on Wednesday, 23rd November 2016, at Heythrop Park in Enstone, Oxfordshire. Nick Stanforth, an international management consultant will be the pre-dinner speaker and Declan Curry will make the after-dinner speech. Declan has been a writer and broadcaster for more than twenty years, specialising in business and the economy, and was the business presenter on One's Breakfast TV for almost a decade. Declan will also take questions from dinner guests on any economic or political topic. Although this is a members-only event, members are welcome to bring along guests and places are filling up fast. Please Email Janet Dixon janet@bfpa.co.uk for more details or visit our website to register or download a booking form.

BFPA takes the lead on new minimum recommendations for the fluid power industry

26 October, 2016

Skills shortfalls have been a challenge for the fluid power sector for what is now at least ten years. Indeed, regular surveys show that the shortage of suitably qualified staff with a good work ethic has been one of the biggest obstacles to business growth since 2006. It is also apparent that the ever more stringent emphasis upon health and safety has been equally pervasive and both topics should, of necessity, be core to the business strategy of both manufacturers and distributors alike.


22 September, 2016

New Members

BFPA welcome a new member of the team

22 September, 2016

Karen Gordon-Brander joined the BFPA team in Chipping Norton in June as Administration Executive and will be supporting our work in membership, training and the Approved Hose Assemblies Scheme. Karen’s background is in Further Education and her many years as a college lecturer and departmental leader gives her and us a wealth of experience to call uponin administration, meeting people and familiarity with the world of training. You will find her a friendly, welcoming voice on the phone and a relaxed, confident and approachable contact to deal with in person. Karen is looking forward to building a successful and productive working relationship with all our members and she can be contacted at the BFPA via Email karen@bfpa.co.uk or phone on 01608 647900.

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BFPA YearbookTo read the latest BFPA Yearbook, click here ..
BFPA Training AcademyClick the image to go to the BFPA Training Academy website
Compressed Air & Vacuum Technology Guide 2018To read the official BCAS Compressed Air & Vacuum Technology Guide 2018 click here
Offshore Europe Journal