Metpoint OCV makes the quality of compressed air visible
Metpoint OCV offers precision measurement technology for all industrial sectors, where compressed air plays an important part in the production process and real-time monitoring of compressed air quality is process critical. Even ‘oil-free’ components are no guarantor for ‘oil-free’ compressed air, ambient air/ intake air have a big impact on achieving oil free air. In most cases, a certain residual oil content cannot be entirely avoided in standard applications. Therefore, more precise monitoring of the oil vapour content, which is possible at any time is important. Crucial factor Especially in critical production processes of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in food production and surface engineering, the analysis, validation and control of compressed-air quality is a crucial factor. The Metpoint OCV continuously monitors and documents the residual oil content of the flowing compressed air. Even the smallest amounts of oil in the compressed-air will be detected and reliably determined. Time-intensive sampling and costly laboratory analyses are no longer required. The provided data gives early notice on the possible contamination of pipework and products. When critical points are reached in the system, the user is will be able to react immediately to deviations in a proactive manner. The Metpoint OCV thus helps prevent damage to machines and plant, avoids high repair and reject costs and, not least, damage to products and therefore consumer confidence. Key advantages According to Beko Technologies, key advantages of Metpoint OCV include: • Measurement of the residual oil content down to ranges of mere thousandths of mg/m³. • TÜV-certified system in accordance with ISO 8573. • Continuous monitoring, 24/7 process reliability. • High data precision. • Direct indication of deviations, short reaction times. • Network-compatible, with touchscreen display. • Pay back usually within the first year. stories
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