BFPA AGMs and Conference at Warwick

The British Fluid Power Association (BFPA) held its 2022 AGMs and Conference in Warwick on 12 and 13 May with over 50 members and guests attending.
BFPA President John Farmer and BFPDA Council Chairman Rob Woodley chaired the BFPA and BFPDA AGMs respectively, with four new BFPA Board members elected: David Scholes of Bosch Rexroth Limited, Francesco Chessari of MP Filtri UK Limited, Ian Tames of Parker Hannifin Limited and Graham Wood of Savery Hydraulics.
Following the AGMs, Professor Andrew Plummer, Head of Department and Director of the Centre for Power Transmission & Motion Control, University of Bath, presented the 2020 Joseph Bramah Medal to David Phillips (look out for a fuller article on the award in the July edition of Hydraulics & Pneumatics).
Guest speaker Rahat Siddique of the CBI gave an update on the UK economic outlook for the UK Manufacturing Sector, followed by Daniel Mansfield whose presentation ‘BSI, standards, Brexit and related issues’ touched upon all aspects of standards with a discussion following relating to the UKCA and UKNI mark – current hot topic for the fluid power industry. Jack Semple of the Engineering and Machinery Alliance (EAMA) joined a networking dinner in the evening and led a lively discussion on the subject of ‘Skills for Manufacturing’.
BFPA Strategy Teams Launch
The following day, the room was packed with members attending the BFPA Strategy Teams Launch. John Farmer and Paul Cooke confirmed the BFPA’s Mission Statement as: Strengthening the fluid power industry and confirmed the BFPA’s six key ‘pillars’ as in the infographic shown.
Paul Cooke announced the creation of four new BFPA Strategy Teams, each consisting of six to ten people from across the BFPA membership, covering: Education and Training / Industry and Standards / Health, Safety and the Environment / Statistics
The Team Leads and members were confirmed, and a workshop then followed with all delegates getting involved. The BFPA Strategy Teams will meet to start work over the summer and into the autumn. For more information on the BFPA Strategy Teams, email Paul Cooke on
BFPA Training Courses
For upcoming dates for the BFPA’s Face to Face Open Training Courses or Online Courses visit:,
email or call 01608 647900.

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