30 March, 2025

The need to be ahead of the curve

11 May, 2023

The latest UK Manufacturing PMI has shown that despite difficult conditions, UK manufacturers maintained a positive outlook in April. Optimism rose to a 14-month high, with over 61% of companies reporting that they expect output to rise during the coming year.

Budget 2023 highlights challenges & opportunities

22 March, 2023

The hydraulics and pneumatics industry is primarily driven by manufacturing, construction, and the engineering sectors, and any changes in government policies and funding can obviously impact these industries, leading to a ripple effect on the hydraulics and pneumatics industry

The skills issue

20 February, 2023

With engineering job vacancies currently on the wane after a more buoyant early and middle part of last year, it would seem economic uncertainty is the likely nub of the problem. Following a period in the first half of 2022, which saw engineering vacancy numbers undulate month-on-month, the summer period saw steady jobs growth, peaking in August before beginning to slow as September’s economic jitters kicked in. This is according to analysis by the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo).

The rise and rise of industrial robotics

28 November, 2022

Robots in one form or another have held a fascination in the public psyche since the ancient world. The philosopher Mozi discussed humanoid automatons in the 4th Century CE, while discussions concerning artificial companions and servants are found in the ancient legends of Cadmus, who, legend has it, sowed dragon’s teeth that magically morphed into soldiers. Some will remember the robot in the 1960s TV series Lost In Space and its friendly and helpful (though sometimes a little obstinate) human-like character. Then, there is Star Wars’ C-3PO and the list goes on. More recently, several companies have been designing and developing humanlike robots for healthcare, general assistance and companionship. Also, more and more children and young adults are becoming fascinated by a growing number of celebrity robots and the way they ‘come to life’ through artificial intelligence (AI).

Understanding the scope and potential of digitalisation

25 October, 2022

There is growing interest, coupled with a fair amount of remaining confusion, surrounding digital transformation. As editor, I’m aware that many readers of this journal certainly want to know how digitally transformative technologies can play a positive part in their companies’ road to business and operational optimisation and development. So, reflecting on sources that could throw more light on the topic within the context of manufacturing and supply chain issues, I remembered some recent Talking Industry panel discussions.


27 September, 2022

The sad loss of Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 96 has naturally elicited many a reflection from subjects of all backgrounds and professions. While some will remember specific events or moments at which they may have played their own part, possibly even involving a face-to-face meeting with our longest-serving monarch, many will reflect that, for most Britons, Queen Elizabeth has been the only sovereign they have known during their lifetime, spanning a truly impressive 70 years of service to the nation.

Automation advantage

23 August, 2022

We hear more and more about the growing implementation of robotics and automation technology within UK industry. Compared with some other developed nations, we may be slower on the uptake of such technology, but it is increasingly changing our day-to-day lives in the workplace. Indeed, a recent survey done by ABB Robotics found that of 250 SME and manufacturing companies, 81.2% were considering incorporating robotics into their processes to combat issues with workforce shortages and supply chain disruptions.

Flying the flag for Maintenance 4.0

23 June, 2022

Maintenance processes have always been critical within manufacturing and engineering from a plant and asset management perspective. The methodologies have become increasingly sophisticated over the years, and we are now hearing more and more about Maintenance 4.0 – part of the Industry 4.0 ecosystem concerning greater levels of automation and data interconnection.

A fair cop for robots

10 May, 2022

In most cases, humans have accountability in the workplace, whether in terms of quality standards, health & safety practice, treatment of other members of staff and so on. Therefore, decision making and the execution of practices that follow those decisions need to be carefully and professionally considered within current legal frameworks. Interestingly, as the use of robots becomes more prevalent within various professional spheres, a question that hitherto hasn’t been addressed to any major degree is what level of accountability should our high-tech friends have for their actions during their allocated hours of work?

Don’t let your security guard down

24 March, 2022

With the current global situation and greater risk of malicious actors posing a threat to companies’ data and internet security, it is sobering news that web malware (47%) and ransomware (42%) now top the list of security threats that organisations are most concerned about. This is according to the latest survey by Menlo Security – for which Sapio Research questioned 505 IT decision makers across the UK and US including CIOs and CISOs during February. Yet despite the growing risks, less than a third (27%) have advanced threat protection in place on every endpoint device that can access corporate applications and resources. The Menlo research, ‘The state of threat prevention: evasive threats take center stage’, explores what steps organisations are taking to secure themselves in the wake of a new class of cyber threats – known as Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT).

Automation and the journey to net zero

08 February, 2022

The government’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the UK by 50% on 1990 levels by 2025 and to net zero by 2050 is now a firm commitment and mantra. In the words of the prime minister, the UK’s strategy for net zero is to lead the world in ending our contribution to climate change, while turning this mission into the greatest opportunity for jobs and prosperity for our country since the industrial revolution. But is enough being done to encourage the deployment of the types of technology capable of helping companies to realise this end? Robotics and automation, for example, certainly have a substantial part to play, but how can more firms of all sizes be encouraged to embrace this type of technology? Mike Wilson, chief automation officer at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), believes it is largely about strategy. During the recent DFA Manufacturing Media webinar ‘Talking Industry – Robotics & Advanced Automation’, he encouraged businesses to develop an automation strategy in the same way that they develop a business plan. “You figure out where you want to be in 10 years’ time and determine how to get there not only in terms of the equipment you are going to use but also in terms of how you’re going to develop the workforce, their skills and so on – and undertake that as a business improvement strategy and in relation to the net zero.”

25 years on and still going strong

13 December, 2021

This edition of Hydraulics & Pneumatics marks the publication’s 25th anniversary. As editor, I first settled into the hotseat in 2005. From the outset, I realised the magazine had considerable value as the only true publication dedicated to the fluid power industry in the UK. Looking back over the years, it is gratifying to remember many highlights – including forming ever stronger links with industry trade bodies such as the British Fluid Power Association and the British Compressed Air Society, and launching exhibitions complementary to the journal – Air-Tech in 2006 and Fluid Power & Systems in 2014, shows that remain firm calendar fixtures for our industry.

Share and share alike

02 November, 2021

Two topics that are being put increasingly in the spotlight are health & safety of the workforce and data security. And rightly so, of course – themes that are equally applicable to all industrial and mobile sectors. One of the most common questions regarding these themes is how do we ensure we are being as efficient as we can be vis-à-vis our safety and security plans? It has now become more or less a no-brainer that digitalisation has a major role to play here. Moreover, there is growing evidence that the sharing of data related to these and other themes can benefit all parties concerned. With this point in strong focus, a new guide released by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) states that manufacturers of construction products will need to start sharing their data digitally to support a safer and more sustainable construction industry.

Finding the right starting point for going digital

29 September, 2021

We all hear much about digital transformation and the business and operational benefits to be had within manufacturing and engineering. However, in order to get the ball rolling companies of all sizes need to decide on an initial point of entry, and what elements of the digital journey to home in on in the first instance. As Aaron Blutstein, editor of Smart Machines and Factories, said during the recent DFA Media organised Talking Industry webinar on Digital Transformation, one of the biggest issues regarding the topic is getting people on board because some companies are so entrenched in their daily routine that there can be a challenge in getting them to recognise that something needs to change.

STEM and the gender issue

01 September, 2021

Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing and engineering (like so many most other professional spheres) have been male dominated – and they continue to be so. Nevertheless, it is highly encouraging to witness major strides in the direction of greater gender parity. 2019 statistics from the UK Government point to just over a million women (1,019,400) in our STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) workforce. This illustrates an increase of over 350,000 women (24%) taking employment in these spheres of work. Positive news indeed, but there remains some distance to travel before there is evidence of gender equality in these industries. 2020’s target was reached and 2030’s target of 1.5 million women in STEM occupations would equate to 30% of this workforce filled by women.

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Compressed Air & Vacuum Technology Guide 2018To read the official BCAS Compressed Air & Vacuum Technology Guide 2018 click here
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