11 March, 2025

A need to inspire

25 October, 2016

Engineering in all its guises is a discipline that has a profound impact on all of us every day; the roads we walk on, the bridges we cross, the buildings we live or work in, the vehicles that forward goods to and from shops and factories, the cars we drive, not to mention a host of high-tech business and leisure accoutrements we couldn’t live without in the modern age – the list is almost endless. So, if the next generation isn’t suitably motivated to pursue an engineering-based career, who is going to continue to innovate and maintain something that is so fundamental to the modern world?

Sadly, in this regard things are not looking too rosy. Research conducted by industrial components and engineering services specialist, Neutronic Technologies, states 72% of people believe that not enough is currently being done to encourage children to study STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects. The UK is already facing such a substantial shortage of engineering talent, but a recent report by The Institution of Engineering and Technology showed that 68% of employers are concerned that our education system is struggling to keep up. A further 40% believe that recruitment will be hit hard over the next few years due to the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

To help inspire the shift that is needed, Neutronic Technologies has produced its own report to examine what can be done to get more children interested in STEM. Entitled ‘Inspiring a Generation: How can we get more kids into engineering?’, the report takes an in-depth look at the condition of the engineering industry. It explores what is possibly holding the industry back, and calls on expert opinion to discover exactly what we can do to overcome these issues.

Neil Gallant, managing director of Neutronic Technologies, hopes the report will help to inspire change: “The shortage of graduates seeking out careers in engineering is a huge concern for everyone in the industry, and the issues between the UK and Europe are likely to only exacerbate the problem. Global demand for talented engineers is growing. If we are to tackle the problems we face, such as global warming and the need to use less energy, we need to increase the supply to meet the demand. But to do that we must show children that exciting careers can be found here, and that’s why we need national campaigns like Tomorrow’s Engineers Week.”

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week takes place from 7 to 11 November, and is a national campaign dedicated to showcasing the incredible jobs that real-life engineers do, and changing people’s perception of the industry. The campaign is now in its fourth year and aims to inspire young people, particularly girls, to consider engineering careers they may not have known existed.

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