The BFPA launches new Training Academy website
The British Fluid Power Association (BFPA, incorporating the British Fluid Power Distributors Association (BFPDA), has launched a brand new website dedicated to its portfolio of training courses. The website (, which complements the Association’s existing site (, outlines a series of training courses that are available throughout the year. The courses can either be provided direct from the BFPA or through one of the Association’s associated training partners. Courses currently on offer include the following:- Foundation Course in Working Safely with Hydraulic Hose and Connectors The Foundation Course in Working Safely with Hydraulic Hose and Connectors is a one-day course designed to show the correct practices needed to work safely with and around hydraulics. The course is available either as an induction course for someone new to the industry, or a safety course for people who are not primarily hydraulic or fluid power technicians but work from time to time on machinery containing hydraulic components. The training day contains video presentation examples of safe working practices involving associated dangers of fluid injection injuries, together with examples of hose being manufactured from the raw components. A high-quality personalised course book and certification of attendance and registration on the BFPA national database give both the attendee and employer confidence that the correct methods and culture are being adopted and used. Hose Assembly Skills Course The Hose Assembly Skills Course is carried out in both a classroom environment for the theoretical element and shop floor environment for practical element. This two-day training programme is designed to bring the attendee up to a sound level of appreciation to enable them to development into a quality hydraulic hose technician. The Hose Assembly Skills Training Course also includes an assessment of the candidates’ skills and understanding. As with the Foundation Course, a high-quality personalised course book and certification of skills achievement and registration on the BFPA national database give both the attendee and employer confidence that the correct methods and culture are being adopted and used. Hose Integrity, Inspection & Management Course The Hose Integrity, Inspection & Management Course, launched earlier this year, has been written and developed using the technical expertise available to the BFPA and the BFPDA and sets out to establish a benchmark for training people responsible for hose inspection and management from a wide variety of industry sectors. It also set out to establish a recognised standard in hose management best practice. With the introduction of the one-day Hose Integrity, Inspection and Management course, the BFPA has further enhanced its training package to include all core issues surrounding the efficient inspection, analysis, identification, registering and recording of hydraulic hose. During training individuals will assessed with a view to being able to achieve a BFPA industry-recognised certificate; gaining either a pass, pass with merit or pass with distinction. As with the Foundation and Skills courses outlined above, a high-quality personalised course book and certification of hose management achievement and registration on the BFPA national database give both the attendee and employer confidence that the correct methods and culture are being adopted and used. Small Bore Tubing Integrity Course More information on this new course is scheduled to be available in the autumn of 2014. Raising standards Martin Kingsbury, Membership Director of the BFPA, said of the new website: “The BFPA has for many years been passionate about raising standards within the fluid power market and industry as a whole. With this objective in mind we have created a suite of valuable training courses that have been developed by utilising the knowledge of industry experts. Theresore, no matter what industry you are associated with – be it Construction, Marine, Agriculture, Offshore, RenewableRelated stories
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