12 March, 2025

BCAS update (June 2013)

24 June, 2013

British Compressed Air Society 2013 Spring Conference 

Judging by feedback from delegates, and the fact it was standing room only in the main room area, the 2013 BCAS Spring Conference proved to be a resounding success. BCAS president Derek Turnbull opened and closed the conference with a thoughtful insight to the progress being made by BCAS and its members.
The main presentation was on the new BCAS Food Grade Compressed Air Best Practice Guideline given by BCAS technical officer Greg Bordiak. Other presentations included remanufacturing, the addition of ombudsman services to the BCAS AirSAFEregister, the benefits of Social Media (LinkedIn) and an update on the BCAS Distributor Forum regarding the future of distribution.
Another highlight was a presentation given by Sachin Chauhan from Government Grant & Tax Consultants (GGTC). Following the successful uptake from BCAS members at the 2012 Autumn conference, he explained the benefits companies can obtain from the R&D Tax Credits scheme and also the new Government scheme called Patent Box.
The benefits on the above schemes are significant and you can claim for both; so if you would like to find out how much your R&D Tax Credits could be worth and how much tax you can save with the Patent Box scheme or would like us to evaluate the potential for identifying patenting opportunities within your business in order to benefit from the Patent Box; contact Sachin Chauhan on 01727 738602 or email Sachin.Chauhan@ggtc.co.uk for an obligation free assessment.
The BCAS 2013 Autumn Conference is being held on Wednesday 2 October at the Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon, Warwickshire. If you are interested in attending email chris@bcas.org.uk for details.
BCAS Membership fees frozen for a third year
The BCAS Board has decided to hold the BCAS Membership Grades and Fees at 2011 levels due to the continued success in recruiting new members and the high retention of existing members.
BCAS has, for many years, provided manufacturers, distributors and end users of compressed air equipment a unique blend of technical services covering impartial advice, legislation, standards, training and publications at a lower membership fee than similar organisations across Europe.
With an increase in new members each year and a significant growth in numbers signing up for the various accredited training courses, combined with an ongoing cost reduction programme and rearranging processes, the Board are pleased to confirm that the benefits can be passed on to members in the form of membership fees being frozen for a third year.
Why is machinery safety important?
Moving machinery can cause injuries in many ways: People can be struck and injured by moving parts of machinery or ejected material. Parts of the body can also be drawn in or trapped between rollers, belts and pulley drives. Sharp edges can cause cuts and severing injuries, sharp-pointed parts can cause stabbing or puncture the skin, and rough surface parts can cause friction or abrasion. People can be crushed both between parts moving together or towards a fixed part of the machine, wall or other object, and two parts moving past one another can cause shearing.
Parts of the machine, materials and emissions (such as steam or water) can be hot or cold enough to cause burns or scalds and electricity can cause electrical shock and burns. Injuries can also occur due to machinery becoming unreliable and developing faults or when machines are used improperly through inexperience or lack of training.
To find out more, visit: http://www.hse.gov.uk/work-equipment-machinery/index.htm.


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