BCAS update Jan/Feb 2012
Welcome new members
BCAS is pleased to welcome three recent new members:
Central Air Compressors,
Air Equipment,
CJS Direct,
BCAS reports that it looks forward to working with these companies. In addition, the Society has recently received a number of new Individual Members from around the world.
New edition BCAS Yearbook published
The second edition of the new BCAS Yearbook was launched at the BCAS Member Lunch in London on 24 November 2011. It is the only official BCAS publication, and is published on behalf of the Society by DFA Media each year.
Building on the success of the previous edition, the BCAS Yearbook contains reports from BCAS and from members, as well as the latest information on regulations, training, health & safety, plus schemes from the Carbon Trust and the AirSAFEregister.
In addition, the Yearbook also contains BCAS member listings and member profiles.
To request your copy, email chris@bcas.org.uk stating how many copies you would like, together with the delivery address.
Motor Drive System Conference
Following the recent Motor Driven Systems Conference, BCAS would like to say a big thank you to all involved for helping create a successful inaugural event.
Feedback from the event questionnaire has been very positive and the Society will take on board any suggestions and ideas for future conferences.
New unique transmitter from BCAS member Vaisala
The Vaisala Dewpoint and Pressure Transmitter DPT146 for Compressed Air is claimed to be the first transmitter on the market to monitor both dewpoint and process pressure of compressed air. This is not convenient only installation wise but also gives the user an added advantage: the dew point data -whether calculated to atmospheric pressure or providing ppm- is constantly pressure compensated online.
For more information visit www.vaisala.com/dpt146
Training courses
BCAS is currently taking bookings for the following BCAS training courses. More dates will be added throughout 2012 and listed in future issues:
BCAS Written Scheme of Examination for compressed air systems – a one-day course.
Registrations are now being taken.
BCAS Competent Examiner Course – a five day-course
Registrations are now being taken.
Nightshift worker dies in machine accident
A company was recently fined after a nightshift worker died when he was trapped in a machine at a factory in Berkshire. On 15 January 2008, a worker was operating an automatic inspection machine designed to quality check rolls of rubber and cloth printing blanket before sending to customers. There were no witnesses and colleagues found him trapped between the rubberised blanket and the roller. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that his employer had not assessed the hazards of using the machine and it had not been checked after modification. Inspectors found there was no guarding to prevent access to the dangerous parts of the machine and the company had failed to give adequate information, instruction or training to employees using the machine. The HSE said the company had failed to provide a safe system of work.
The company pleaded guilty to breaching s.2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974, which covers the duty of the employer to ensure so far as reasonably practicable the health and safety of employees. The company also pleaded guilty to breaching the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 in respect of making suitable assessment of the health and safety risks to which employees are exposed. The firm was fined £200,000 and ordered to pay costs of £43,352.
SMART Manufacturing & Engineering Week
04 - 05 June, 2025
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PPMA 2025
23 September, 2025, 9:30 - 25 September, 2025, 16:00
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Advanced Engineering Show 2025
29 October, 2025, 9:00 - 30 October, 2025, 16:00
NEC, Birmingham UK