BCAS page October 2010
European Motor Challenge Programme
You will be aware that, since its inception, BCAS has been an endorser for the Motor Challenge Programme (MCP), providing companies with expert and impartial information and advice on how to reduce energy in their compressed air system. Just published in the MCP homepage are two new reports concerning the MCP. http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/energyefficiency/motorchallenge/index.htm. The first report contains the evaluation of the MCP programme until the end of 2009, while the second is the catalogue of the projects implemented by the partners. Working with the industrial sector on energy efficiency in motor systems proves to be very hard. Companies may not be interested in investing in energy efficiency in motor systems, though the companies who replied to a questionnaire indicated that they are pleased with the programme.
BCAS through the years – the 1980s
In 1970 the society had 53 members. In 1980, its Golden Jubilee Year, this had increased to 71 members. John F James, CompAir Construction & Mining, was president and he reported: “Our market was at a 10-year low, the substantial impossibility of overseas profit for our products and attack on the home market by offshore producers, an increasingly recurring theme of all industrialists, including those in compressed air, is one of basic survival.
BCAS continued to support Conference of Engineering Trade Associations (CETA), European Committee of Manufacturers of Compressors, Vacuum Pumps and Pneumatic Tools (PNEUROP) and the European Oil Hydraulic and Pneumatic Committee (CETOP), the Council of Mechanical and Metal Trades (COMMET) as well as two ISO working groups. BCAS also worked with the Health & Safety Executive on a code relating to compressed air systems and enhancing the role of distributors in preserving the impeccable safety record of our technology. The BCAS slogan ‘Compressed Air – Safe, Reliable Power’ was adopted in 1982.
Rogers Knight continued to chair the committee on Energy Use in Compressed Air Systems, and the technical evenings on energy efficient running of compressor plant were well supported by members showing how BCAS members were already well ahead on this important subject. Despite the fall off in orders due to the miners’ strike, the society itself was in good heart and the conference held in Blackpool during March 1984 saw the majority of the membership represented. BCAS held its first ever press conference in 1985, aimed at strengthening the society’s image, and visibility.
Welcome new member
BCAS is pleased to welcome its latest member, Beaumanor Engineering based in Thurmanston, Leicester. Beaumanor Engineering manufactures fittings for pneumatic/hydraulic applications and sells many other items through its catalogue and via the web.
Key dates for your diary
11 Nov AGM, BCAS Boardroom London.
20 Nov BCAS 80th Anniversary Ball, Savoy, London.
BCAS training courses
BCAS is currently taking bookings for the following BCAS training courses:
BCAS Written Scheme of Examination for compressed air systems – a one-day course
24 Nov BCAS London.
15 Dec BCAS London.
More dates will be added throughout 2011 and listed in future issues.
BCAS Competent Examiner Course—a five-day course
6 December to 10 December 2010 NDT Sheffield.
For details, costs and to book your places on any of the above courses, please contact Rosie Harris at the BCAS office on 020 7935 2464 or email rosie@bcas.org.uk
New BCAS Compressed Air Service Engineer course
Following requests from members, BCAS is currently working on a new series of one-day and on-line courses for compressed air service engineers. If you would like to find out more about this course please email technical@bcas.org.uk
Jeff Flather
BCAS recently received the sad news that Jeff Flather, who recently retired from Trelawny SPT, has died suddenly from a heart attack. Jeff was an active member of BCAS, chairing the Tools Committee for a number of years and working with BCAS on many projects. The society’s thoughts are with his wife Pat at this sad time.
SMART Manufacturing & Engineering Week
04 - 05 June, 2025
NEC, Birmingham UK -
PPMA 2025
23 September, 2025, 9:30 - 25 September, 2025, 16:00
NEC, Birmingham UK -
Advanced Engineering Show 2025
29 October, 2025, 9:00 - 30 October, 2025, 16:00
NEC, Birmingham UK