The BFPA presents on fluid injection injuries at IFSSH, IFSHT, & FESSH Combined Congress June 2022 at Excel London

The British Fluid Power Association (BFPA) gave a presentation on fluid injection injuries at the recent IFSSH, IFSHT, & FESSH Journal of Hand Surgery’s Combined Congress, which was held between 6-10 June 2022 at Excel London.
Over 5000 hand surgeons and therapists from around the world attended the event, with 90% having worked on a fluid injection injury and 50% having worked on more than one patient with a fluid injection injury.
The BFPA had been invited to give a presentation at this event by the BSSH (British Society for Surgery of the Hand) following an approach and meetings held with the BSSH over the past year. On behalf of the BFPA, Jim Martin gave a presentation on how to avoid fluid injection injuries, and Martin Kingsbury, the BFPA’s Director of Membership & Training, joined the postpresentation Q/A panel. Overall, the BFPA’s contribution was very well received by the audience.
The BFPA will be working with BSSH to draw up a list of all the hospitals that are best able to treat a fluid injection injury and hope to work closely with BSSH on a joint marketing initiative, with the BFPA planning to donate copies of its fluid injection injury book to the NHS directly to be distributed to hand surgeons
The BFPA’s Fluid Injection Injury – The Facts booklet
This handy top-pocket sized booklet is available from the BFPA, covering the background, symptoms and treatment of fluid injection injuries – identifying people who are most at risk and how such an injury should be treated. Every booklet now comes with a wallet-sized plastic card detailing the emergency action steps to take immediately after an injury.
Fluid injection injuries have been known to occur at pressures as low as 6.9 bar (100 psi). This means the people most at risk are not just limited to those who work within the mobile replacement hose business, they could be anyone who works with equipment under pressure that uses oil (hydraulic) or air (pneumatic) as the medium. People at risk could even be bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The BFPA Fluid Injection Injury – The Facts booklet covers the following:
Accident management
How to treat a fluid injection injury
Treatment and timeline
Guidelines for optimal treatment (for the medical professional)
Site of injection
Injection injury patient information sheet
What to look out for: Step by step progression of high-pressure injections
Risk management strategies
The people most at risk
Material injected
Identifying the symptoms comes
To order your copy of the BFPA Fluid Injection Injury – The Facts booklet, visit the BFPA’s website or call 01608 647900
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