AVT Reliability launches online condition monitoring system

AVT Reliability has launched Machine Sentry MSO-1, a low-cost, high-speed online condition-based monitoring (CBM) system offering real-time management of safety and business critical assets.
Machine Sentry MSO-1 is suitable for installation on assets ranging from standard rotating equipment to advanced turbo machinery such as power generators. The critical vibration data captured is stored in the Machine Sentry database where it is integrated with data from other CM techniques.
This detailed CM data can be securely accessed from anywhere in the world via a standard web browser, allowing continuous monitoring, highly critical asset management, failure detection and troubleshooting.
[subhead] Easy installation
Its small size, low power consumption, Ethernet/Wifi/4G optional web connectivity, email alarm notification and high storage capability make the system extremely easy to install, operate and maintain. Machine Sentry MSO-1 can be integrated with the Machine Sentry platform or other digital control systems or used stand-alone.
This new solution fully integrates and extends the current capacity of the Machine Sentry web platform and mobile sensor MSM-1 and is the latest in a suite of products being launched by AVT Reliability in the coming months.
Frederic Thomas, managing director at AVT Reliability, said: “Machine Sentry MSO-1 is a genuine game changer. The Machine Sentry suite of products and software is a unique solution revolutionising the condition monitoring world and brings industry 4.0 one step closer to reality.
“It can be installed and operated by experts and novices alike and offers ready access to detailed diagnosis and advice from AVT’s world leading CM engineers – crucial features at a time of acute skill shortages in the manufacturing industry whilst driving for high availability of assets.”
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