An intelligent move
Kulik explained that a unique aspect of the system is the menu which configures a production sequence. Using drag-and-drop, the user selects individual steps from a list of all services and arranges them in the desired order like building blocks. If a machine fails, a part is simply rerouted to another available machine. “Many machines in a production line can perform a variety of tasks,” he said. “For example, a sophisticated 5-axis milling machine can also do the job of a simpler 3-axis milling machine. In the future, the Smart Manufacturing Network’s service-oriented software can flexibly decide to do the job on an idle 5-axis machine."
Also important for flexible production: Machines from various manufacturers must easily integrate into the Smart Manufacturing Network. IPT is working on this with partners from science and industry in Fraunhofer’s ‘Networked, Adaptive Production’ performance centre. “The plug-and-play that we know from everyday technology does not yet exist in industry,” said Dr. Thomas Bobek, coordinator of the Fraunhofer performance centre. “Our goal is to make plug-and-produce possible.” Fraunhofer’s researchers will demonstrate how the digital twin, service-oriented software and Smart Manufacturing Network collaborate at Hannover Messe as part of the trade fair ‘Research & Technology’ in Hall 2.
SMART Manufacturing & Engineering Week
04 - 05 June, 2025
NEC, Birmingham UK -
PPMA 2025
23 September, 2025, 9:30 - 25 September, 2025, 16:00
NEC, Birmingham UK -
Advanced Engineering Show 2025
29 October, 2025, 9:00 - 30 October, 2025, 16:00
NEC, Birmingham UK