How manufacturers can achieve a low cost and low carbon future

By Graham Coats, sales director, CMC (pictured)
Ask a manufacturer for their thoughts on green business and they may tell you that it does not necessarily equate to good business. Probe deeper and they might tell you that you can have one or the other – sustainability or profitability – but not both.
Thankfully, this viewpoint is changing. First, there is the linear relationship between energy usage and cost; the more a manufacturer uses, the higher its energy bill. Secondly, new technology, primarily driven by cloud-based, IoT-led systems and that also includes control and monitoring products, offer manufacturers forensic levels of data about the performance of their compressed air assets.
Lastly, there is a wraparound framework in the form of ISO50001, a global standard for energy management systems that exists to help organisations continually reduce energy usage – and therefore cost and carbon emissions – through the provision of a structure that manufacturers can systematically follow and scale up and down accordingly.
How can those utilising compressed air effectively evaluate their assets’ performance as part of an ISO50001 energy management system and, in doing so, grow their bottom line in tandem with minimising negative environmental footprint? Here are six key areas to consider:
Be clear from the outset
What are the drivers behind achieving ISO5001? Is it part of a cost cutting exercise? Is it a way in which to bolster your CSR programme? Or are you looking to add value to your business? By identifying what you want from the outset, you and your team are more likely to stick to the plan as you move through the process.
Meaningful data is everything
Data is the bedrock on which your ISO5001 goals should be built. This is of particular significance to me, given how my organisation has created Airmatics, a cloud-based air compressor monitoring, performance and control solution that provides real time data, analytics and insights and can manage an infinite number of locally interconnected fixed speed, variable speed or variable output air compressors. Of course, there are other solutions that allow manufacturers to get under the skin of their compressed air systems. The key thing is to use them, not only to help you on your journey towards becoming compliant – but also remaining compliant.
Consistency is key
Gaining accurate, meaningful and actionable data is one thing. Ensuring it remains so at every tier of an organisation is another, particularly for global organisations with multiple sites. Making sure that there is standardisation of data and that nothing can be left open to interpretation as it passes from team to team – or even country to country – is essential for working within an ISO50001 framework.
Lead from the front
As with all ISO standards, compliance follows dedication and hard work. Ensure that everyone has bought into the standard and that the aims and objectives are woven into the fabric of the organisation.
Call in the experts where necessary
Compressed air consultants may well equal cost, but if they can share knowledge and best practice – and ultimately get your organisation to where it is going quicker – then maybe it is a worthy investment.
Painting the Fourth Bridge
So, you’ve made it. Your organisation is now ISO5001 compliant. Time to ease off? Sadly not. ISO5001 is about continual improvement, so you should always be looking to review, refresh or even revamp your plan. Just as painting the Fourth Bridge is a never-ending job, as new compressed air technology and techniques become available you should be exploring where and how these can be implemented within your energy management plan.
As far as ISO standards go, ISO5001 needs little justification. It saves energy, cuts carbons emissions and provides a framework for manufacturers to achieve and maintain best practice. However, it is a living framework and one that must be tended to on a regular basis in order to remain relevant. The technology required to yield actionable data and improve compressed air performance exists.
As long as the willing is there, too, then manufacturers across the world can expect to simultaneously future proof their organisation, increase their bottom line and improve their sustainability credentials. A true win-win.
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